The fractured lives of four families intersect over one fateful day sending them on a journey with catastrophic consequences.

© 2024 Christopher Sampson
Inspired by Paul Thomas Anderson, Ben Lawrence and Xavier Dolan, I have always been drawn to exploring complex relationships and contemporary society through an introspective and intimate lens. Miles Between Us expands on my previous works, both in tone and characters, building a tapestry of characters in search of happiness, forgiveness and purpose.
As in life, there are no heroes or villains... A dying author must confront his murderous past, a widowed mother must learn to move on, an adulterous wife must overcome her insecurities, an uncompromising politician must choose between career or family, and two young lovers deal with their failed relationship in opposing ways.
A complex web emerges as their relationships with family, friends, and themselves are all tested. Why do we hurt those we love? How do we overcome grief? Who are we beneath the surface? Universal ideas, each individual offering a uniquelypersonal answer.
Miles Between Us aims to reflect that despite our diverse backgrounds, social status or sexuality, we all share similar experiences; an idea that feels all too relevant in our contemporary interconnected lives.
Writer's Statement

In Miles Between Us, the sinful pasts of six individuals are exposed as they are thrust into parallel experiences with catastrophic consequences. Deep thematic links bind stories together, culminating in a final moment that leaves lasting and tragic ripples in their lives. In this intimate Australian story, a looming thunderstorm serves as a thematic charge between interconnected stories of death, grief, love and loyalty.